26th Annual Mid-South Agricultural Finance Conference

Wednesday, August 07, 2024, 8:00am – 3:00 pm

Location: UTM, Watkins Auditorium

The Dunagan Chair of Excellence in Banking in the College of Business and Global Affairs, along with the Gilbert Parker Chair of Excellence in Food and Fiber in the College of Agriculture and Applied Sciences have hosted the Mid-South Ag Finance Conference for 25 years! The Mid-South Agricultural Finance Conference provides the most up-to-date and relevant information needed to grow agricultural bottom lines.  The mission of the conference is to deliver high-quality, timely, practical financial tools and economic information to anyone with significant investments in agriculture.  This conference has the most renowned and respected agricultural finance, economic, and weather experts in the U.S. 

The speakers including Dr. Dave Kohl, Richard Brock, Dr. Brian Briggeman, and Eric Snodgrass, aka “the weather guy,” will be ready to provide information, insights, and wisdom to jumpstart your agricultural business, family, and personal life.  Their straightforward insight and opinions on global economics, trade, agricultural markets, weather, and climate change will impact your business strategies and actions.  This conference will provide the energy for engagement that you will not want to miss!

We value the attendance of farmers, ag business owners, managers, and family members that serve important roles in these operations.  We encourage lenders and ag business representatives to invite valued and perspective customers. Students are also welcome to attend the conference to learn more about real world ag business issues.

Registration will start beginning July 1, 2024, and extend to July 31, 2024.  

Featured Speakers

Dr. David M. Kohl, Professor Emeritus, Virginia Tech University

Mr. Richard Brock, Owner and President, Brock Associates

Dr. Eric Snodgrass, Principal Atmospheric Scientist, Nutrien Ag Solutions

Dr. Brian Briggeman, Professor, College of Agricultural Economics, Kansas State University

Contact Information

John C., Clark, Dunagan Chair of Excellence in Banking, jclar138@utm.edu 731-225-1415

Dr. Joey Mehlhorn, Gil A. Parker Chair of Excellence, jmehlhor@utm.edu 731-881-7275

Traci Crawford, MSAFC Program Director, tcrawf19@utm.edu 731-881-7350
